

Visual Identity
Tecjur is a technical and legal consultancy that operates in the area of claims adjustment, focusing mainly on the B2B2C market through backoffice services. Founded in 2006, Tecjur has always focused on claims adjusting and has worked in various insurance sectors, including: Life, Housing, Mass - residential and business, Personalized business, Rural and Agricultural.

With the need to expand, and especially to bring the brand into the digital environment without forgetting the various physical points of contact, a new visual identity was drawn up, as well as a logo re-design. As the company operates in various areas of the insurance industry, the proposed solution was a typographic brand, so as to avoid association with any symbol.

This project was a special milestone, as it marked our first fully typographic logo. We carefully crafted using precise grids and refinements to achieve a unique and balanced aesthetic.

Tecjur has always ensured a good relationship between the insurer and the insured, and agility during its services.

Joining the parts of the initial letter, the "T", represents unity between all the elements involved in the process: insurer, insured and Tecjur.

Using diagonal angles, we form the arrow. This represents efficiency and agility in our processes.

The lowercase typography brings a more friendly and intimate language.

The period was important to give visual balance, and to represent the solution and end of the problem (end of the claim).

In addition, we have introduced horizontal and vertical versions of the logo to ensure that the brand adapts perfectly to different spaces and layouts, both online and offline. This flexibility increases the brand's visibility, whatever the media format or platform.

The creation of Tecjur's visual identity was a meticulous process that reflected a deep understanding of the company's unique characteristics.

The choice of colors played a key role in this process. We opted for a dark blue that symbolizes reliability, security and authority, values that are intrinsic to Tecjur in the claims adjustment market. This blue brings a sense of professionalism and stability, establishing a direct connection with the target audience.

To complement the dark blue, we chose a light green that brings a touch of freshness and innovation to the visual identity. This green represents Tecjur's ability to adapt and evolve, as well as highlighting its commitment to sustainability and continuous renewal.

Choosing the typeface:

For the applications, we selected the Space Grotesk font, created by Florian Karsten Typefaces, with a free license. We considered characters that are frequently used by Tecjur, such as arrows, land area (m²) and values (dollar signs, numbers, periods and commas).
Space Grotesk is a versatile, monospaced, sans serif and open-type font, ensuring legibility at all sizes and harmony with the logo typography.

This choice reflects our commitment to creating design that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but above all functional.

Digital and Off-line Points of Contact:

When adapting the Tecjur brand for the digital environment and maintaining relevance at physical touchpoints, we emphasized consistency.

We ensure that brand elements, from the logo to colors and fonts, are consistently applied across all communication channels. This creates a solid, unified brand experience, regardless of whether the interaction takes place on a website, in printed materials or anywhere else.

Brand consistency across all touchpoints is key to building and maintaining public trust.

The visual evolution of a brand

The Visual Identity Manual that accompanies this project is a valuable resource for ensuring the continued cohesion of the Tecjur brand across all touchpoints.

We are excited about the positive impact this new identity will have on Tecjur's journey, and we remain ambitious when it comes to bringing prosperity to our clients through design. Murilo (CEO Tecjur), we thank you for trust in our work.

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